+91-9996783026 LADWA (KURUKSHETRA)

Recommendation to parents

A. The school makes every efforts possible for proper growth and development of your ward.

B. It would greatly help your ward if you monitor his/her work regularly so that the student may not become careless towards his studies. You may also write to the teacher if your ward has any problem.

C. Almanac is an important link between parents and the school. It is requested that this should be given your attention daily. Sign the remarks if any and take the action as needed.

D. Parent Teacher Meetings are held regularly and they provide an excellent plateform for interaction between you and the teachers.

E. See that your ward carries books and excercise books according to the time table for that day.

F. See that he/she is prepared for the tests, do sign the test answer sheets.

  1. Check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
  2. Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her belongings. There should be a name tag on their blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles like transistors, calculators etc. should not be brought to school. They are also not allowed to wear jewellery in school. In case of violation of this rule the article will be confiscated. The school bear no responsibility for articles loss in school. In case of a loss a letter giving details of the loss may be sent to the class teacher.
  3. If your ward is on leave from school he/she must make up for all the work missed by him.
  4. If your ward is to leave the school campus during school hours the guardian should send an application to office and obtain gate pass. This must be presented to the class teacher at the time of leaving.
  5. If your ward has been absent from school, an application signed by the guardian is to be submitted.
  6. As far as possible, once the child has come to school, he/she should not be asked to come home on a half day’s leave.
  7. Students would get their report cards signed by their parents/guardians within five days of the receipt of the report cards and return them to the class teachers. If lost, a fine will be imposed as per rules.